Daily Inspection Reports

Daily Inspection Reports
All of us here at CIPO Cloud welcomes you to an exciting New Year! We trust that your holidays were excellent, and we’re all recharged to push for new exciting developments in 2020. CIPO has been working diligently with many of our Owners through the holidays to see what new additions we can make for our clients in the 1st QT 2020, and we’re excited about the future.
One item that we’ve been concentrating on is Daily Inspection Reports or IDRs. After attending the most recent ACWA Fall Conference, we learned that a lot of Owners and Agencies continue to struggle with getting the most out of their current programs, specifically within their IDRs. It’s imperative that your staff list any activities, equipment, staff, weather, photos, and other items to their reports. CIPO has made it easy by automating drop-down tabs and copying from prior reports where staff know that equipment hasn’t changed. We’ve even taken the time to input the latest CalTrans Equipment (and Labor Codes) to pick what equipment was actually used on-site and track its use. We update the labor and equipment lists yearly as the latest Labor Surcharge, and Equipment Rental Rates are released. Does your current program do that?
In conjunction, we continue to learn that Owners and Agencies struggle with photo logging. This is an area we are working on in 2020. We want to create a system where staff can upload a photo into their IDR. CIPO creates an independent, project-specific photo log with filtering, automatic date stamping, and name recognition for ease of use in the future. Just another way CIPO Cloud is looking to make your time more useful while we handle the heavy lifting.
And I know that the thought of Daily Inspection Reports is mundane, but the relevance with IDRs when it comes to claims, disputes, arbitration and the like should be noted. These are powerful tools that can assist an Owner or Agency. Just like CIPO has, you should take time to ensure that your IDRs provide your teams with the best tool for dealing with disputes, provides an accurate record of what’s essential, and utilizes automation to assist staff and continue to push for efficiencies throughout the project team.
Can CIPO help you better manage your IDRs, among other processes? Connect with us for a personalized discussion.